About Us

Where did this crazy dream begin? Interestingly enough it started with a conversation between me and my, then in high school, nephew Garrett.
I'm Christy. A corporate event manager for more than 20 years. Garrett and I were discussing marketing, and his homework assignment of a business plan. He was more than eager to use my mobile bar idea, but it just didn't seem appropriate for high school marketing (LOL). What I’ll never be forget is when he asked me....."If this bar is your dream Auntie, why don't you just build one?"
Thinking that there's no better time to set a good example, we agreed right then to build a bar!
Along with my niece Regan (only 15 at the time) we found a lifeless little 1963 Scotsman trailer online and opened the door to a new business! We are lucky to have access to a master fabricator, my brother Patrick who eagerly took on the project. Many friends and almost every member of our family has put sweat equity in the bar. It took almost two years to completely overhaul this charming trailer. It was a complete rebuild and 100% worth it. We built the company as the trailer came together, and from day one we called the trailer Betty. Why? Because she was cute, chic, fun, and everyone loves her….just like our sweet Grandma Betty. So, the first trailer was named Betty, and The Betty Bar Company was ready to roll!
When the Covid pandemic hit in 2020 events came to a halt. We had always dreamed of also offering a fun bar truck, so we used this time to create Big E. Built with our friend Eric in mind, you know the guy…the one that always gets the party started. This truck honors Eric, it’s super fun and ready to roll in and get the party started.
The Betty Bar story is made of many great parts - the family and friends that created the amazing vehicles, the many fantastic clients we help create their dream events, and the smiling faces on the other side of the bar……..Dreams do come true!